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Some folks say the most dangerous place in the world is between a Mama Bear and her cubs. It may be so. I’ve never met a Mama Bear, myself.
The most dangerous place I ever stood was between a cornered cat and an open door.
When a cat feels threatened, she gets away from the danger as quickly as she can. She doesn’t care what damage she inflicts on her way to safety, but she’s not interested in fighting for fighting’s sake. She does only as much as she needs to do in order to escape. She doesn’t deal in revenge. If she feels threatened, she simply leaves. Efficiently.
Until she needs to use them, her claws stay sheathed. She doesn’t go around threatening to maul people. She’s cuddly, she’s cozy, she likes to curl up next to a crackling fire on a cold winter’s day. She’s great company. But don’t try to trap her in a bad situation.
This site is about women and guns, not about cats. But in a way, it’s about the cornered cat in all of us. It’s about the determination to get away from an attacker if you need to. It’s about making the decision to say, “Not me. Not mine. Not today.” And it’s about the tools to make that decision stick.
My name is Kathy Jackson. I’m a firearms instructor, a homeschool mom, a small business owner, a former magazine editor, a freelance writer, and the author of this website.
If you have never been to my site before you should dive right in and start reading. There are currently over 120 chapters in my ever growing Table of Contents. I cover topics ranging from basic firearm safety to legal issues surrounding self-defense to raising children around guns to the moral implications of deadly force and much, much more.
My goal in producing all this material is to educate and inspire people to take personal responsibility for their own lives and their own safety.
If you have to fight…
Fight like a cornered cat.